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Please note you will need the following plugins installed to completely automate the process of collection of contracts using Formidable Forms and WP E-Signature.

  1. WP E-Signature (Ultimate, Business or Pro license)

  2. Stand Alone Document (comes with above licenses)

  3. Signature Add-On by ApproveMe (this plugin)

*An Ultimate, Business or Pro license license is required and can be purchased at

If you ever had to defend your contracts in front of a judge, are you sure they would hold up?

Most business owners would be quick to say yes, but the truth is, just having your client’s signature is not enough. Not anymore.

When your contract isn’t valid, there isn’t much you can do to protect yourself.

E-Signing has grown into a massive industry, giving way to a long list of rules and regulations that all documents must adhere to.

If the validity of your contracts, invoices, or partner agreements were to come into question, the dangers are clear: your entire business could be at risk.

We’re here to make sure that never happens.

The ApproveMe WP ESignature Plugin for Formidable Forms turns your WordPress website into a court recognized legal document signing application.

Now, there is no doubt that Formidable Forms is an incredible plugin. It’s great at automating tasks and streamlining forms on your website… BUT, ensuring that all forms are legally binding is NOT their specialty. Our plugin fills that void.

This ESignature Add-On for Formidable Forms ensures that every contract, form or invoice submitted with the plugin is 100% UETA/ESIGN compliant.

Never again will you have to question the legality of your forms or pay for a third-party signing service to feel secure.

The ApproveMe team has invested a lot time and resources into building a system that plays nicely with the rules and regulations of any country where e-signing is used.

This plugin gives you the power to control your user experience while staying fully protected.

Other Signature Plugins & Add-Ons simply record the details of signatures and submit the data to a web server. The image file gets saved to your FTP server. Sound safe? It’s not.

That image file of your client’s hand written legal signature is made easily accessible to FTP intruders. Since most other plugins are not legally binding (and certainly not UETA/ESIGN compliant) you would have a serious problem if your files got in the hands of the wrong people.

Fraud and identity theft become much bigger and more serious problems when your contracts are non-binding. Why risk it?

The Powerful Features of ApproveMe’s ESignature Add-On for Formidable Forms:

UETA/ESIGN Compliance

We closely track all Esignature rules and regulations so that our plugin is always 100% compliant and up to date. Rest easy knowing that any contract, form, or invoice signed with our plugin will stand up in front of a judge.

Encrypted Data Storage

We will never store any of your data on an FTP server. We encrypt and store your data in different strategic locations within your database. Every single thing from your document data to your custom input fields will be secure.

In fact, if an FTP intruder even tried to unencrpyt any of your data, the entire document would destroy itself. We don’t mess around when it comes to security.

Instantly Trigger Contracts

One of the best ways to get your contracts signed? Keep your clients from getting distracted. Our plugin allows you to immediately redirect signers to your contract after they submit a form.

Unique Signer Invitations

Don’t let just anyone download your PDF documents. We added an extra layer of security. Only when the sender (you) is logged in and the signer uses their unique invitation can a signed PDF be downloaded. Greatly reduces the risk of anyone unauthorized seeing your contract.

Responsive Design

Now you and your clients can sign on the go with mobile signing. Our plugin works seamlessly with all desktop and mobile browsers for Android and iOS including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

Dynamic Form Fields

Dynamic form fields allow you to customize contracts based on your signer’s info. You can sync even the most complex form fields with your contracts.

Signing Reminder Emails

Need to give your client a gentle nudge? Automatic reminder emails will make sure your contract gets signed. You choose the trigger date and the frequency.

Zero Monthly Fees Per User + Unlimited Users

You and your team are free to create as many contracts as you like. Everyone on your team can access the plugin with no limits or hidden fees. That’s our promise.

Ready to secure your contracts and rest easy? click here for a demo

Need Customer Support?

To provide helpful service and avoid support tickets getting lost, we’ve put together an extensive support resource on our website. (There is no support on the forum for this plugin.)

To get support, just log into your account, submit a ticket and we’ll take it from there.

For any non-support related questions about the plugin or any of our other products, feel free to contact us using our contact form page.

And hey — here’s an awesome bonus resource we created to show you the importance of contract security:

Free ebook:
7 Ways to Protect Your Company from Contracts That Aren’t Binding

To see Formidable Forms to WP E-Signature in action see the demo video below:

*Although the WP ESignature Plugin will meet the requirements of the vast majority of e-signature laws, it is up to the end user to verify legality in their country of business.

Additional Info

Additional important PDF capabilities and workflows for Formidable Forms Signature Add-On

  • Fully automate the signature collection procedure for your individual or small company
  • Download a copy of the signed document from your website as a PDF
  • Sync your Dropbox account with a Signed PDF
  • Email yourself and the signer a copy of the PDF which is UETA/ESIGN compliant

Your own WordPress website stores and encrypts all documents (not a random third party site)

Find out more details about document security of the WP E-Signature here: Security UETA/E SIGN Protection

Free ebook:
7 Ways to Protect Your Company from Contracts That Aren’t Binding
An active WP E-Signature business license is necessary for the Formidable Forms Signature plugin to function. To get yours, you can simply buy a copy at (
Zero Monthly Expenses • UETA & ESIGN Compliant • Legally Binding • 100% Money Back Guarantee


Every signed document could be saved as a PDF, placed in an email, instantly synced to a Dropbox account and much more! You choose exactly how you want it to work!

An up to date Ultimate, Business or Pro License is needed for ApproveMe’s Formidable Forms Signature plugin to run smoothly

Where do I go for help on additional pre-sale questions?

Please feel free to contact us at anytime with any additional questions you might have at our contact form page.


How it Works:

*The plugin for Formidable Forms is easy to setup. With an active ApproveMe business license, you can instantly produce legally binding (court accepted) contracts utilizing completed Formidable Forms data and require your Formidable Forms submitter to add their signature to your WP E Signature generated contract.

This plugin is perfect for Freelancers, Web Designers, Photographers and Small Business owners who want to simplify and secure their contract generation process.*

This plugin is amazing for Freelancers, Web Designers, Photographers and Small Business owners who want to simplify their contract generation process.

Get started by following these steps to set up your Formidable Forms Signature Plugin

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Step 1:
ApproveMe’s WP E Signature requires a few more plugins/add-ons to help you release the full power and automate Formidable Forms as well as Digital Signatures that are legally binding. The following plugins are required:

  1. WP E Signature (ultimate, business or pro license)
  2. E-Signature Business Pack (comes with your license above)
  3. Signature Add-On by ApproveMe(this plugin)

Step 2:
Input your ApproveMe license
After buying a business license from ApproveMe, you must input your new license key to launch upgrades and access technical support.
Log into your account to download your license key ApproveMe account here (your password is included in the receipt emailed to you)

Step 3:
Set up a blank WordPress page
Once the WP eSignature plugins and add-ons have been installed and your configurations are saved, you must set up a blank WordPress webpage for every Stand Alone Document (or contract) you will be producing/sending to your form submitters.
Discover more about Stand Alone Documents by visiting this helpful article

Step 4:

Set up a Stand Alone Document
Using your new blank WordPress page, you will then need to produce a Stand Alone Document and then connect the WordPress page to our Stand Alone Document.
Find out more about Stand Alone Documents by visiting documentation page for this add-on.

Step 5:
(optional) Input Formidable User Details into a Contract

This step will change depending on what you want for the desired outcome. Approve Me’s Digital Signature is triggered once a Formidable Form is submitted. You’ve got the power to incorporate Formidable Form user info (which was inputted from the customer once the form was submitted) into a brand new custom contract form which will either be emailed to the customer or shown to the customer after they submit the form.

How to use Formidable Forms to add form fields details into a contract

Go to the Signer Input Fields/Custom Fields symbol and choose “Formidable Form Data”.

Choose the Formidable Form that you’ve already made (and want to link with your contract form) using the drop down option list.

Pick the field info you want to include in your new contract.

A shortcode is created using this data. Don’t worry — your customer will only see the real field value when signing your contract.
This is an example of the auto-generated shortcode which will get placed in the document you are producing when you select your desired field value from your Formdiable Form.

[esig formdiable formid=”3″ field_id=”1″ ]

You can easily transfer the shortcode to any place in your contract form. It will show the customer’s provided info anywhere the shortcode is found.

Step 6:

Select your document preferences and save settings

Once you’ve inserted all the required contract text and linked your WP form fields to your Stand Alone Document, it’s time to choose your document settings.

Important note: Before you can post your contract form, you must link your Stand Alone Document to the blank WordPress webpage you made previously for your contract. Do this by looking for and choosing the webpage from the “Display on this page” drop down option list found under the “Document Options” area.

We decided NOT to include this page in your nav menu since it will be connected to a Formidable Form and will not work properly unless it has the field values of that submitted Formidable Form.

Step 7:

Almost there… (halfway done)

Once you’ve published your Stand Alone Document, you’re halfway done. In the next step you have to pick your “trigger” and “action” selections for this document in Formidable Forms.

Select LET’S GO NOW! to establish those final Formidable Forms preferences.

Step 8:

Finalize creating the Formdiable Form workflow/trigger

Almost there! Now all you need to do is select your contract and your preferred actions once the workflow is activated.

Go to the “Forms” tab located in the WordPress control panel.

Select the form you attached to the Stand Alone Document.

Choose the “E-Signature” choice within the form options and specify the remaining options.

Now You’re done!

To see a live demo of the Formidable Forms to WP E-Signature visit:

Formidable Software Mobydic Free


Contributors & Developers

“Formidable Forms Signature Online Contract Automation” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


Version 1.5.9
FEATURE : Fatal error fixed from e-signature about page.

Version 1.5.8
FEATURE : New Formidable form name field added.

FIX: Fatal error if e-signature core plugin inactive
FIX: Blank reminder settings issue
FIX: WP Rocket plugin conflict
FIX: Some other minor bugs.

Version – February 09, 2021
FIX : Date field value display issue if formidable date is blank

Version – February 02, 2021
FIX : Formidable core pluing checking notice display issue

Version – February 01, 2021
ADDED : New landing page added after activating plugin

Version – January 04, 2021
FIX : Fatal error on inactive formidable core plugin
FIX : Some minor issues.

Version – November 10, 2020
ADDED : Formidable save as draft
FIX: Formidable almost done screen lets go button issue
FIX: Formidable address field display
FIX : some minor bugs.

Version – September 1, 2020
FIX: Icon display issue.
FIX : some minor bugs.

Version – June 2, 2020
ADDED: Support snippet in about page.

Formidable software mobydic reviews

Version – January 14, 2020
FIX: Some minor bug.
FIX: Tb popup display issue

Formidable software mobydic free

Formidable Software Mobydic Group

Version – August 29, 2018
ADDED: Icon loaded only on formidable action settings page
FIX: Value of HTML tag is missing on signing document with Formidable Form

Version – June 25, 2018
FIX: Demo video for plugins is not getting start after click on Play icon
FIX: Formidable repeatable fields are able to be added to a table

Version – April 19, 2018
FIX: Multiple field value adding into document title

Version – March 26, 2018
ADDED: value cache system added
IMPROVEMENT: Formidable shortcode has been rendered permanently into database
IMPROVEMENT: Formidable file upload / image field image content grabbing
FIX: Formidable repeatable field is not display into agreement

Version – November 1, 2017
FIX: Hold agreement redirection until payment is received option working with email logic after payment it redirects to Stand Alone Document

Version – October 9, 2017
FIX: Label name missing with Email,checkbox,website/URL fields in formidable
FIX: Uploaded file missing on SAD doucment
ADDED: Formidable Forms Pre-Check when creating a document

Version 1.5.1 – August 10, 2017
ADDED: Ability to be able to insert data in the title of a Stand alone document
FIX: Notice message display after submit form
FIX: Plugin name issue fixed
FIX: Need to store data in e-signature with form integration
FIX: After click on “Submit” button it does not redirect on signing document

March 7, 2017 – Live version released on

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