Images From Pinterest


Luka Miraculous Images From Pinterest

  • 11th December 2020:
    • from now on you can bulk download images from search results on (up to 1000 pins). Enter the url to the Pinterest search results in the 'URLs' field, for example, here is the link to search for 'Christmas' collections:
  • 13th December 2018:
    • added setting to create 1 overall ZIP-archive which will contain all images from all specified URLs.
  • 6th April 2018:
    • From now on you can bulk download images from public Pinterest boards, from last 1000 pins on the specified board. Enter the url to the Pinterest board in the 'URLs' field in this format:
      where XXXXX - username of board creator; YYYYY - name of board. For example, here is correct link to board about architecture from Pinterest user 'inspirationfeed' -
  • 29th December 2016:
    • Sometimes, some users received archives out of identical images for different links to Google images search results - this error is fixed
  • The ideal Pinterest image size is 1000 x 1500px and an aspect ratio of 2:3. These Pinterest dimensions are recommended by the platform for standard size Pins, to guarantee the best Pin image quality possible! Photo sizes should be a minimum of 600 x 900.
  • From your Pinterest home feed, click on the red ‘plus’ (+) button, followed by Create Pin. Then, drag and drop your image into the provided space or click to upload. Once your freshly-created collage-style Pin is uploaded, add in additional information such as the URL this Pin links to (i.e. Your blog or website content), choose a board to.
How to download images from pinterest on pc

Using Images From Pinterest

Apr 27, 2018 Stop taking screenshots to save Pinterest images to gallery. Here is a simple way to download Pinterest images on Android, iPhone and PC.

How to print images from pinterest


Wedding Cakes Images From Pinterest

  • 11th December 2020:
    • from now on you can bulk download images from search results on (up to 1000 pins). Enter the url to the Pinterest search results in the 'URLs' field, for example, here is the link to search for 'Christmas' collections:
  • 13th December 2018:
    • added setting to create 1 overall ZIP-archive which will contain all images from all specified URLs.
  • 6th April 2018:
    • From now on you can bulk download images from public Pinterest boards, from last 1000 pins on the specified board. Enter the url to the Pinterest board in the 'URLs' field in this format:
      where XXXXX - username of board creator; YYYYY - name of board. For example, here is correct link to board about architecture from Pinterest user 'inspirationfeed' -
  • 29th December 2016:
    • Sometimes, some users received archives out of identical images for different links to Google images search results - this error is fixed