Nvivo 11

It’s easy to get lost in a lot of text-based data. NVivo is qualitative data analysis software that provides structure to text, helping you quickly unlock in. Software Full Name: QSR NVIVO 11. Setup File Name: NVivo11.4.1.1064×86.zip. Full Setup Size: 528 MB. Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup. Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit. Latest Version Release Added On: 03 Oct 2018. If you have an NVivo license for NVivo 12, NVivo 11 and NVivo 10, you can download the version you require within the myNVivo portal. On the Download NVivo page, older versions are listed under the heading ‘Download Older Versions of NVivo’. Click the drop down to see all versions available to download. If you are using NVivo Pro or NVivo Plus, you can also use a Word Frequency query to: Look for exact words, or broaden your search to find the most frequently occurring concepts. For example, if you look for the most frequent words in a dataset survey, you might find that water, health, and harmful are the most frequently occurring words. 10.3 Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and web pages in NVivo 292 10.4 Chapter 10 Takeaways 303 11 Teamwork 307 11.1 Introduction to teamwork 308 11.2 Conceptual grounding in teamwork 309 11.3 Teamwork in NVivo 317 11.4 Chapter 11 Takeaways 335 12 Moving on – further resources 339 References 341 Index 346.

There are three editions of NVivo 11 software: NVivo Starter, NVivo Pro and NVivo Plus. Each edition features a different level of functionality to support a range of projects and research needs.

Visit the QSR Website for a detailed comparison of the features available in each edition.

In this topic

What's the difference between the editions?

NVivo Starter

A core set of features designed for research projects with text-based sources.

NVivo Starter is a powerful research tool focused around the core of qualitative analysis. This edition has all the functionality you need to code your text-based material, explore your data with simple querying tools, and write up your findings.

  • Work with text in documents and PDFs

  • Use simple text and coding queries

  • Visualize your data using charts and diagrams

For more information about NVivo Starter, you can watch the video tutorial Explore NVivo 11 Starter for Windows.

NVivo Pro

All the functionality of NVivo Starter with an expanded set of features to support more sophisticated research needs.

This edition integrates with reference management tools and supports multi-media sources. NVivo Pro has everything you need for analyzing all forms of unstructured data. With advanced queries and powerful visualization tools, you can discover themes, justify your findings and report your work.

  • Work with text, audio, video, images and spreadsheets

  • Use more powerful querying tools including matrix coding queries

  • Create project and concept maps to show associations in your data

  • Use NCapture to quickly and easily capture social media content for analysis

For more information about NVivo Pro, you can watch the video tutorial Explore NVivo 11 Pro for Windows.

Nvivo 11 crack

NVivo Plus

All the functionality of NVivo Pro with an additional set of specialized tools to support frontier research practices.

NVivo Plus has powerful automated processing to support fast, 'broad-brush' analysis with the ability to automatically code large sets of data.

  • Gain a quick insight from large amounts of data by automatically identifying themes and sentiment

  • Automatically create social network visualizations from social media data or your own project data

For more information about NVivo Plus, you can watch the video tutorial Explore NVivo 11 Plus for Windows.

How do I know what edition I'm using?

The edition displays in the NVivo title bar but you can also easily identify your edition of NVivo based on the color of the Start screen or Backstage view—just click the File tab on the ribbon. NVivo Starter is green, NVivo Pro is blue and NVivo Plus is purple.

Alternatively you can click the File tab, click Help, and then click About NVivo. The About dialog box displays the edition you are currently using.

Changing to a different edition

Depending on your research needs and experience, you might want to use a different edition of NVivo.

Your license determines what edition you can use. Depending on your license, you may need to purchase a license upgrade to use a different edition.

Some licenses allow access to more than one edition. If you have access to multiple editions, you can switch between them in Application Options.

When you purchase a licence forThe default edition isYou can switch to
NVivo StarterNVivo Starter
NVivo ProNVivo ProNVivo Starter
NVivo PlusNVivo PlusNVivo Pro, NVivo Starter

Upgrading to a different edition

If your research needs change, you can purchase an upgrade to your license to use a different edition. For example, you might begin your project with NVivo Starter and then later want to use the Matrix Coding queries and Project map features available in NVivo Pro.

You can upgrade using a link from within the software. You need an internet connection to upgrade your edition—a web page will open and you will be guided through the purchase process. Upgrades do not take effect immediately. You will be contacted by QSR International when your license has been upgraded.

To upgrade your edition:

  1. Make sure you connected to the Internet.

  2. Click the File tab, click Help, and then click Upgrade Licence Edition.

Switching between editions

If your license allows access to more than one edition, you can switch to a different edition in Application Options. This may be useful, for example, when:

  • You are trialing the software you might want to experiment with the features that are available in different editions— to find which one is right for you.

  • You are a trainer using NVivo Pro and your students are using NVivo Starter, you might want to see how a project looks through their eyes.

  • You are a student using NVivo Pro (provided by your university) but you prefer to work with NVivo Starter.

To switch editions:

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Options.
  2. On the General tab, in the Edition list, select the edition you want to switch to.
  3. Click OK. You need to close and re-open NVivo to change editions.


  • Your project is not changed when you switch editions—but some project items might be unavailable.
  • If you have purchased NVivo Starter you will not be able to switch editions. You need to upgrade to be able to access the features available in a different edition.

What happens when I open my project in a different edition?

An NVivo 11 project can be opened in any edition.

When you open a project that was created in a different edition, you may notice that:

  • You cannot see some commands on the ribbon. Commands that are not available for the edition are not displayed—for example, in NVivo Starter you cannot see commands for creating Matrix Coding queries.

  • The folders available in Navigation View may change—for example, if you open a project in NVivo Starter that was created in NVivo Pro then you may not see the Reports group and the Framework Matrices folder.

  • Some project items may not be available. Project items that are not supported by the edition are still displayed but you cannot open them or the actions you can perform on them are limited—for example, in NVivo Starter you can see audio and video sources in List View but you cannot open them.

Node reference counts are consistent across editions and may include coding references from sources that are not supported in the edition you are using.

Queries return the same results regardless of edition—even if the query results include references to sources that aren't supported by the edition you're using.

Maps, charts and other visualizations show the same results regardless of edition and the data underlying the chart or visualization is based on all sources in the project. However, some visualizations are not available in all editions.

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This feature is available in NVivo Pro and Plus editions. Learn more

A relationship is a special type of node that defines the connection between two project items. You can create relationships in your project and then gather evidence about the relationship from your source material.

If you are using NVivo Plus, you can visualize and analyze relationship connections in sociograms—refer to About social network analysis for more information.

In this topic

Understand relationships

Relationships record statements or hunches you have developed about how items in your project are connected. You might create relationships to show how your research participants are related—for example, Anna 'employs' Ken; or how concepts are related—for example, industrial waste 'impacts' water quality. You could code content at the individual nodes—for example, industrial waste and water quality, as well at the relationship—for example, industrial waste 'impacts' water quality.

Relationships are made up of three parts: 'from', 'to' and the 'type' of relationship. You can create relationships using sources, nodes, cases and sets—and the 'from' and 'to' parts don't have to be the same type of project item.

To record relationships between your project items, you first need to create a relationship that connects them. You choose the project items that are involved in the relationship and select a relationship type. Relationship types indicate the nature of the relationships. You can use the system-created 'Associated' relationship type or create your own relationship type.

When adding a relationship type you can define one of the following directions:

  • One way (Anna 'employs' Ken)

  • Associative (Anna 'knows' Ken)

  • Symmetrical (Anna 'works with' Ken)

Nvivo 11 Plus

Relationships are stored in the Relationships folder under the Nodes group in Navigation View. Relationship types are stored in the Relationship types folder under the Classifications group in Navigation View.

Just like other types of nodes, you can visually present relationships by showing them on Comparison diagrams and Explore diagrams.

Coding at relationships

Like ordinary nodes, you can code content at 'relationships'. As you work through your sources you can code information at relationships that supports or demonstrates the relationship. For example, you can code text that is evidence of marine dumping affecting water quality at the marine dumping 'impacts' water quality relationship. You can then open the relationship node and explore the evidence you have gathered.

NOTE When you create a relationship between two nodes, the coding at individual nodes does not become part of the relationship's coding.

For more information on coding, refer to About coding.

View relationships with charts

Nvivo 11 Program

Charts provide a way that you can visually represent the sources and attributes coded at a relationship. You can use charts:

  • To see which sources provide evidence of a relationship—for example, who are the main survey participants who have mentioned the relationship wetlands protect water quality?
  • To view demographic information about people or entities that have referred to a relationship—for example, females aged 50-59 are most likely to express the opinion that fossil fuels cause global warming.

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Refer to About charts for more information.

Visualize relationships in sociograms

Sociograms let you visualize and analyze relationships between cases. Refer to About social network analysis for more information.

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