- Related articles. Extra Templates and Title Pack for VideoStudio Pro X3; VideoStudio: How to install the Instant Project templates purchased from the Discovery Center.
- Virtual CD Copy Template: 438.VPT Bestandsextensie: Visual Pinball Table Data Format: 439.VPU Bestandsextensie: Avast! Corel VideoStudio 2: 476.VS3.
- VPT (VideoProjectionTool) is a free multipurpose realtime projection software tool for Mac and Windows created by HC Gilje. Among other things it can be used for projecting video on complex forms, adapt a projection to a particular space/surface, combine recorded and live footage, for multiscreen HD playback, for interactive installations.
- VSP VideoStudio Project File (Corel Corporation) VSP SPX Sprite VSP ClosetMaid Visual Storage Planner Design (Computer Human Interaction, LLC) VSR Cpcam Backup Video Surveillance File (Szatellit Elektronika KFT) VSR Access Branded Report Format (Microsoft Corporation).
Corel Corporation Corporate Headquarters www.corel.jp 6.テンプレートファイルを読み込みから、VideoStudioプロジェクトテンプレート (UserTemplateStyle.vpt) を読み込みます。 7.登録したオリジナルテンプレ-トが読み込まれ、カスタムに登録されますので、挿入ボタンを押し.
Collector: Nosa Lee
Original Address: https://www.seeksunslowly.com/file-extensions-types-references-v
To reprint this article, please indicate the source, thank you.
Vpt Corel Videostudio Templates
Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as V*, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
V Verilog File
V Coq Proof File (TypiCal Project)
V Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V V++ VPascal Source Code (Digital Optics Ltd)
V Vivid Main Input File
V Utawarerumono Video File
V Subsampled Raw YUV Bitmap
V ReaGeniX Code Generator Consistency Check Support File
V$$ Cheyenne/Inoculan AntiVirus Temporary File
V00 Kretz 3D Ultrasound Image (GE Medical Systems)
V01 Genesis 2000 (Genesis 2000, Inc.)
V06 Xwave File
V1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V103 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V18 SYNETSIM Source Code
V2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V2A TI Voyage 200 Figure (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2B TI Voyage 200 Backup (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2C TI Voyage 200 Data (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2D VersaCAD File
V2D TI Voyage 200 GDB (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2E TI Voyage 200 Expression (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2F TI Voyage 200 Function (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2G TI Voyage 200 Group (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2I TI Voyage 200 Bitmap (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2I Ghost Disk Drive Image (Symantec Corporation)
V2K TI Voyage 200 Application (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2L TI Voyage 200 List (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2M TI Voyage 200 Matrix (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2N TI Voyage 200 Application (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2P TI Voyage 200 Calculator Program (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2P Voyage 200 PLT Program (Texas Instruments Inc.)
V2Q TI Voyage 200 Certificate (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2R TI Voyage 200 Application (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2S TI Voyage 200 String (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2T TI Voyage 200 Text (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2U TI Voyage 200 OS Upgrade (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2X TI Voyage 200 Macro (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2Y TI Voyage 200 Program/Graphic (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V2Z TI Voyage 200 Program/Graphic (Texas Instruments, Inc.)
V3D Stratum Samples Models Balls3D 2 File
V3D Vecta3D Model File
V3O Emergency 3D Model File (Promotion Software GmbH)
V48 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V5D Vis5d Dataset Object
V6 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
V64 Nintento 64 Emulation ROM Image
V8 Covox 8-bit Audio
V8 Bert’s Dinosaurs File
V8 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VA V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VAB Playstation Wave Bank Format (Sony Corporation of America)
VAC Oc2.316s Cakit File
VAC IMail Server Vacation Message (Ipswitch, Inc.)
VAD Vadera Enterprises PHP File (Vadera Enterprises Group)
VAD Mapper Variant File
VAF DVD2SVCD Temporary File
VAF Visual Studio Common Tools Vanalyzer Project Item (Microsoft Corporation)
VAG PlayStation ADPCM Sound File (Sony Corporation of America)
VAL dBASE Values
VAL Paradox Validity Checks
VAL VALU Macintosh Spreadsheet
VAL Chemical ASN Interchange File (New Format)
VAL valodas Dictionary (valodas)
VALU VALU Macintosh Spreadsheet
VALUE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VAM Velazquez Application Map
VAM Visual Studio Common Tools Vanalyzer Project Item (Microsoft Corporation)
VAN VistaPro Animation
VAP NetWare 2.xx Value Added Process
VAP Annotated Speech Audio
VAR Cokriging Software VARIO Output File
VAR Sterling Software Data Dictionary File
VAR Infinity Game Engine Game Start Variable Data (BioWare Corp.)
VAR My Personal Programmer Variables (M:Pact Technologies)
VAR Icon Author Variable
VAR WebHub Web Session Data (HREF Tools Corp.)
VAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VARS Template File
VARSITY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VAS VirtualAssessor Diagnostic Scenario Database (ExiNet (Pty) Ltd.)
VAT Vala Content Management Server File (Vala-bleu Ltd.)
VAX Pbm Plus File
VB Virtual Boy Image File
VB Playstation Wave Bank Body Format (Sony Corporation of America)
VB VBScript File or Any VisualBasic Source
VBA VBase File
VBB VirtualBoss Backup File (VirtualBoss Development Co.)
VBC Visual Business Cards
VBC4 Visual Business Cards Business Card File (RKS Software)
VBD Visual Basic 5 Active Document
VBD ActiveX (Microsoft Corporation)
VBDOC VBdocman Configuration File
VBDT VBdocman Documentation Template
VBE VBScript Encoded Script File
VBF Versa Check Backup (G7 Productivity Systems, Inc.)
VBG Visual Basic Group Project
VBK Veeam Backup Virtual Machine Backup File (Veeam)
VBK VitalSource Bookshelf VitalBook Format eBook (VitalSource Technologies, Inc.)
VBK CallPilot Audio File (Nortel Networks)
VBK VisualCADD Backup File (IMSI/Design LLC)
VBL Virtual CD Ver. 4 Log File (H+H Software GmbH)
VBL User Control Licensing File
VBL 3DMove 3D Geological Model (Midland Valley Exploration)
VBM VisualBoyAdvance Movie Capture Format (Forgotten)
VBM NetFront Browser Bookmark File (ACCESS CO., LTD.)
VBM V IDE Bitmap (Object Central)
VBN Norton Corporate Anti-Virus Quarantined File
VBO Access Package Deployment References (Microsoft Corporation)
VBOR V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VBOXLM Vbox (Aladdin Knowledge Systems)
VBP Visual Basic Ver. 4.0-6.0 Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VBPROJ Visual Studio .NET Visual Basic Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VBPROJ.USER Visual Studio .NET File (Microsoft Corporation)
VBR Remote Automation Registration Files
VBS MPEG Movie Clip
VBS VBScript Script File
VBS Visual Basic for Applications Script (Microsoft Corporation)
VBW Visual Basic Project Workplace
VBX Visual Basic Extension (Microsoft Corporation)
VBZ Wizard Launch File (Microsoft Corporation)
VC Sonarc Compressed VOC Audio
VC Verge Code File (VERGE Co Ltd)
VC Vivid 2.0 Include File with Color Definitions
VC VisiCalc Spreadsheet File
VC2 The Master Genealogist Genealogy Chart (Wholly Genes, Inc.)
VC2 Virtual Coin Cabinet II Data Storage File (Data ex Machina)
VC4 Virtual CD Disc Image File (Ver. 4 and Older) (H+H Software GmbH)
VC4 Visual C ver 4 File (Microsoft Corporation)
VC6 Ashlar-Vellum Part (Ashlar Incorporated)
VC7 DaVis Graphic (LaVision GmbH)
VCA Visual Clip Art
VCC VersaCheck Style
VCD VisualCADD Drawing File (IMSI/Design LLC)
VCD VirtualDrive CD Image File (FarStone Technology, Inc.)
VCD Virtual CD-ROM CD Image File (H+H Zentrum fuer Rechnerkommunikation GmbH)
VCDEASY0 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCDEASY1 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCDEASY2 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCDEASY3 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCDEASY4 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCDEASY5 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCDEASY6 VCDEasy (VCDEasy.org)
VCE Visual CE Class Type File (SYWARE, Inc.)
VCE Visual CertExam Suite Exam File (Visual CertExam Software)
VCE Casting Electronic Enterprise Video Archive for CV (Casting Electronic)
VCE Trimble Business Center GPS Survey Data Processing (Trimble Navigation LTD.)
VCE Yamaha Normal Voice File (Yamaha Corporation of America)
VCE Natural MicroSystems Voice File
VCEL Vertex Color And Edge List File
VCF VirtualDub Processing Settings (Avery Lee)
VCF vCard File
VCF Vevi Configuration File
VCF VP HybridCAD Native Format
VCF WorldToolKit Objects
VCG Visualization of Compiler Graphs (VCG) Graphic Specification
VCH Interlock Public Computer Utility
VCH The Master Genealogist Genealogy Chart (Older Version) (Wholly Genes, Inc.)
VCI VP HybridCAD Native Format
VCI Visicontrol Compressed Image File
VCL Borland Visual Component Library (Borland Software Corporation)
VCL Jill Game File
VCL Roxio Video CD Layout (Sonic Solutions)
VCM Visual Component File
VCM Interwise Participant Recorded WebCast File (Interwise, Inc.)
VCN NCDrive Vacon NX System Software (Vacon Plc, a member of Vacon Group)
VCP Visual C++ Wordspace Information
VCPREF Live Advisor Preferences (Symantec Corporation)
VCPROJ Visual Studio .NET Visual C Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VCR Arvid VCR Driver
VCR Motocross Madness 2 User Recorded Video (Microsoft Corporation)
VCR ATI Video Recorder
VCS Valve Game Shader File (Valve Corporation)
VCS Video Clipstream Video File (Destiny Media Technologies, Inc.)
VCS vCalendar File
VCT Visual Foxpro98 Solution File
VCT FoxPro Class Library (Microsoft Corporation)
VCT MindVision Installer Vise
VCW Visual C++ Workbench Information File (Microsoft Corporation)
VCWIN32 Visual C Make File (Microsoft Corporation)
VCX FoxPro Class Library (Microsoft Corporation)
VCX MS Class Browser Class Library
VCX Spreadsheet File
VCZ Pictures by PC Compressed Drawing File (Schott Systeme GmbH)
VC_ C Poet Compressed Disk1 File
VD PwrDev Visual Designer Project (PBSoft)
VD2 Vedit File
VD5 Visual DataFlex Compiled Application (Data Access Corporation)
VDA Targa Bitmap
VDA VDA-FS Surface Data Graphic
VDA Video Display Adapter
VDB VistaDB Database (Vista Software)
VDB Dr. Web Anti-Virus Database (DialogueScience, Inc.)
VDB Norton AntiVirus Update File (Symantec Corporation)
VDB PC-cillin Quarantined File
VDC DVDFab DVDFab (Fengtao Software Inc.)
VDD Watson Wyatt Global IV Pro
VDF Vexira Anti-virus Virus Definition File
VDF Visionary Deposition Viewer Database (Visionary Legal Technologies)
VDF Webcd Virtual Driver Plug-ins File
VDF AntiVir Virus Definition (Avira GmbH)
VDF Versa Check Database (G7 Productivity Systems, Inc.)
VDF VirtualDub Filter Plug-in (Avery Lee)
VDF VAPOR VAPOR (the National Center for Atmospheric Research’s Scientific Computing Division in collaboration with U.C. Davis and Ohio State University)
VDG ViPNet [DISCguise] Compressed File (Infotecs GmbH)
VDI VirtualBox Hard-Drive Interface File (innotek GmbH)
VDI VirtualDub VirtualDub Debug Info
VDI GEM VDI Bitmap (Digital Research)
VDIC Password Recovery Dictionary File (LastBit Corp.)
VDJ VirtualDJ Audio Sample File (Atomix Productions)
VDK Steuer99 File
VDL Possible Virus File
VDM VEDIT Macro File (Greenview Data, Inc.)
VDM SolidCut CAD/CAM Graphics and Machining File (Camtek Ltd.)
VDMK VMware Virtual Disk File (VMware, Inc.)
VDO Possible Virus File
VDO VDOScript File
VDO Sound in Conjunction with AVI Files
VDP Visual Studio .NET Setup and Deployment Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VDPROJ Visual Studio .NET Setup and Deployment Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VDR ComputerEasy Draw File
VDR VirtualDub Frame-Server (phaeron)
VDT VersaPro Variable Declaration Table
VDU Detailer 3D File
VDX XML for Visio Drawing File (Microsoft Corporation)
VDX Virtual Device Driver
VDX Vector Graphic File
VDX VMM32.VDX is System Driver
VDX Veedid Desktop To-Do List XML Database File (Veedid Software)
VE Sign Studio Vector Graphic (CADLink Technology)
VEC Daylon Vectre Vector Graphic (Daylon Graphics Ltd.)
VEC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VEC DaVis Graphic (LaVision GmbH)
VEC Pictures by PC Drawing File (Schott Systeme GmbH)
VEE HP VEE Project File (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
VEF EngraveLab (CADlink)
VEF Infinity Game Engine Visual Effects (BioWare Corp.)
VEG Sonic Foundry Vegas Video Project (Sony Corporation of America)
VEG Vue Plant File (e-on software, inc.)
VEH SPANS VEH/VEC Format Vector Data
VEL NEPLAN Network Differences File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
VEM Micro Vault Compressed File (Sony Corporation)
VEM MM Video E-Mail (Meta Media, Inc.)
VEM VeePro Embroidery Software Format
VEM Vemail Voice E-mail File (NCH Swift Sound)
VENUE VenueBench Data File
VEO Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS) (Public Record Office Victoria)
VER TurboTax Installed Version Record (Intuit)
VER Garmin FTL Image Version (Garmin Ltd.)
VER SeeYou Airspace (Naviter)
VER Version Description
VERIFY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VERSION Version Distribution File
VERSION Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VES Curvaceous Visual Explorer Saved State (Curvaceous Software Limited)
VET Ventrilo Event Text File (Flagship Industries, Inc.)
VET Ribbons Surface
VEW Clipper Viewfile
VEW Novel Groupwise E-mail View File
VEW Approach View File (IBM)
VEX Possible Virus File
VF TeX Virtual Font File
VF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VF Video Factory File
VF3 Vaultlet Suite Encrypted File (VaultletSoft, Inc.)
VFA FontLab Database File
VFB Font Description File
VFB VForm Builder
VFB Outlook Free/Busy File (Microsoft Corporation)
VFD Virtual PC Virtual Floppy Disk Image (Microsoft Corporation)
VFD Drive Image5 VFD File
VFF DESR VFF Greyscale Bitmap Image
VFF Vextus Factor Compiled Storage File (Team PhyzNet)
VFM Ventura Publisher Font Metrics File (Corel Corporation)
VFM Voter Voting Form
VFN Voter Customer Voting Form
VFP Qtreader File
VFS GnomeVFS Virtual File System
VFT VisiForm Form (Primary Software, Inc.)
VFW Video for Windows
VFZ Creative Webcam Video Effects Pack (Creative Technology Ltd.)
VG VGuard Proprietry H.264 CODEC Video File (Chateau Technical Corp.)
VGA Targa Bitmap
VGA OS/2 Bitmap Image
VGA VGA Screen Driver
VGB VoloGest Management Database (Volotek S.A.)
VGC ViziGen Generator Configuration File (ViziGen Ltd)
VGD Generic CADD VGA Driver
VGDB V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VGENDLL V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VGL Config 911s File
VGM Video Game Music File
VGR Ventura Graphic
VGS Virtual Game Station Memory Card Save
VGUI V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VGUIDB V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VGX VGuard Proprietry H.264 CODEC Video File (Chateau Technical Corp.)
VGZ VGuard Proprietry H.264 CODEC Video File (Chateau Technical Corp.)
VH Playstation Wave Bank Header Format (Sony Corporation of America)
VH Winhelp VH File
VHA Macromedia Sitespring File
VHC Big Red Racing Vehicle File (Big Red Software)
VHD Virtual PC Virtual Hard Disk (Microsoft Corporation)
VHD Quartus II VHDL Design File (Altera Corporation)
VHD Vista Complete PC Backup File (Microsoft Corporation)
VHDL Quartus II VHDL Design File (Altera Corporation)
VHM HotMux Thermocouple Data Log File (DCC Corporation)
VHTML VITRAGE Apache Module Source File (Siberian Web)
VH~ V-help file
VI Watcom VI Editor Script
VI FreeFlow Variable Information (VI) Project File (Xerox Corporation)
VI Jovian Logic VI Graphics
VI LabVIEW Virtual Instrument File (National Instruments Corporation)
VIAD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIB Chemsoft Export/Import MSDS Data
VIBES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIC Vicar Picture File
VIC ViziGen Import Configuration file (ViziGen Ltd)
VIC Yamaha PSR-9000 Custom Voice (v1.0) (Yamaha Corporation)
VICAR Vicar Picture File
VID TrialDirector VideoNote File (inData Corporation)
VID Vidcom 64
VID Screen Driver
VID YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer
VID SymbOS VID Video
VID Visual Image Directory
VID Media Player Video
VID QuickTime Video (Apple Inc.)
VID Monitor Control File
VID MS-DOS 5 Shell Monitor File
VIDEO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIDEOX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIEW GOM Atos Scanner File
VIEW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIEWER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIF Verity
VIF Khoros Visualization Image File
VIFF VisiQuest Khoros 1.0 Image File (AccuSoft)
VIK Viking Picture File
VIM VIM (Vi IMproved) Editor File
VIN Dynaload Client & Dynaload Management Console (VAI)
VIP Husqvarna Viking/Pfaff Home Embroidery Format (Husqvarna Viking)
VIP Mumath 30 VIP File
VIP Samplitude Project (MAGIX)
VIR Virus Infected File
VIRUS F-Secure Renamed File Thought to be Infected (F-Secure)
VIRUS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VIS Vision Executive Report (Lasata Software)
VIS Vista Graphics
VIS Picture File
VIS APT Assistant
VIS StudioPro 3D File
VIS VISkompakt Objects Description File (PDV-Systeme GmbH)
VIT VITec Bitmap
VIV Vivaldi Studio Score File (goVivaldi Inc.)
VIV VivoActive Player Streaming Video File (RealNetworks, Inc.)
VIV Vividas Video (Vividas Group plc)
VIV Game Info File
VIVO VivoActive Movies and Audio
VIW SQL View Script File (Microsoft Corporation)
VIX ACUCOBOL-GT Index File (Acucorp, Inc.)
VIX ViX Image Catalog
VIZ Division dVS/dVISE File
VIZ AEC|VIZ 3D File Format (TORNADO Technologies Inc.)
VIZ Visualize-IT
VIZIERFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VI_ Audio Waveprg Samplitude Compressed File
VJL Visual J# Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
VJS QuickTime Music File (Apple Inc.)
VJSPROJ Visual J# Project File (Microsoft Corporation)
VK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VKL Virtual Edit
VKP Sony Ericsson Patch File (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB)
VL Visual Labels File
VL Vividlyrics Vividlyrics (Vividlyrics)
VL2 Tribes 2 Server Connection FIle (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
VLAB VisionLab Studio Project (FXhome Limited)
VLB Corel Ventura Library
VLC ACUCOBOL-GT License File (Acucorp, Inc.)
VLD DataFlex Variable Length Data File (Data Access Corporation)
VLM Ashlar-Vellum Drawing (Ashlar Incorporated)
VLM Novell Virtual Loadable Module
VLM Vellum CAD Drawing
VLM DraftBoard Drawing (Concetps Technology Co., Ltd)
VLP LiveSite Project (Valadeo Technologies Corp.)
VLT Darn! Passwords! Vault File (Thornsoft Development, Inc.)
VLT VLC Player Skin
VLW Video Linkwell Document (Martin Koob)
VLX AutoCAD AutoLISP Macro Application (Autodesk, Inc.)
VM Virtual Memory Swap File
VM Samsung Cell Phone Voice Memo (Samsung)
VM Sakai Project Template (The Sakai Foundation)
VM Geoworks Virtual Memory File
VM$ AVImark Database (Henry Schein, Inc.)
VM1 Panasonic SD Voice Editor File
VMAC VMware Document (VMware, Inc.)
VMAP MaNGOS WoW Map Physics Info (MaNGOS Foundation)
VMB Quicken 2002 Order File (Intuit Inc.)
VMBA VMware Document (VMware, Inc.)
VMC DESQview Video Monitor Configuration (Symantec Corporation)
VMC Virtual PC Virtual Machine (Microsoft Corporation)
VMC VMware VMC Document (VMware, Inc.)
VMC Virtual Memory Configuration
VMC Acrobat Virtual Memory File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
VMD Visual Molecular Dynamics File
VMD VocalTec Media Descriptor (VocalTec Communications Ltd.)
VMDC VMware Virtual Disk File (VMware, Inc.)
VMDF MyWinLocker Yo-Safe Encrypted Virtual Drive File (EgisTec, Inc.)
VMDK VMware Virtual Disk File (VMware, Inc.)
VME Virtual Matrix Encryption File
VMF Steam Source SDK Map Source File (Valve Corporation)
VMF VocalTec Internet Wave Audio
VMF FaxWorks Audio File
VMF Ventura Font Characteristics
VMG Nokia Text Message (Nokia)
VMI Dreamcast Doiwnload Info File (Sega)
VMM Visual Mind Document (Mind Technologies, A.S.)
VMO Cosmopolitan Virtual Makeover File
VMO Siemens Mobile Phone Voice File (Siemens)
VMO Virtools Behavioral Server Composition
VMP Logos Library System 2.x Verse Map
VMP ViewMinder Compressed Archive (ViewMinder Limited)
VMR Veeam Report Viewer Veeam Monitor Report File (VeeamSoftware)
VMR VBMaximizer File
VMS Sound File
VMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VMS Versailles Agreement on Materials and Standards
VMS VMS-specific Text File
VMS Dreamcast VMU Save File (Sega)
VMSN VMware Snapshot (VMware, Inc.)
VMSS VMware Suspend State (VMware, Inc.)
VMT Steam Source SDK Texture Content File (Valve Corporation)
VMT VMware Document (VMware, Inc.)
VMTM VMware Document (VMware, Inc.)
VMU Dreamcast VMU Save File (Sega)
VMV VirtualNES/VisualBoyAdvance Movie Capture
VMV Nikon Scan Cache File (Nikon Inc.)
VMWAREVM VMware Fusion Virtual Machine (VMware, Inc.)
VMX Infor ERP Visual ERP Data Modelling & Reporting (Infor)
VMX VMware Configuration File (VMware, Inc.)
VMX VectorMAX Streaming Video
VMX2 VectorMAX Streaming Video
VMX3 VectorMAX Streaming Video
VMXF VMware Document (VMware, Inc.)
VNC GibbsCAM CAD/CAM File (Gibbs and Associates, Inc.)
VNC TightVNC Configuration File (TightVNC Development Team)
VNC Virtual Network Computing
VNC Virtual PC Virtual Network Configuration File (Microsoft Corporation)
VND Medlin Accounting Vendor Information (Medlin Accounting)
VNM VenomIDE Venom-SC Program (Micro-Robotics Limited)
VNS Visual Net Server File
VNT Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone Note File (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB)
VNT Decorating Vignette Web Interior Decorating Plug-In (The Learning Company)
VO Vivid Include File
VO10 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOB Vue d’esprit
VOB DVD Video Movie File
VOB Vue Objects (e-on software, inc.)
VOC Quartet Audio File
VOC Creative Labs Sound
VOC Sound File
VOCA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOCAB Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOD WorldGroup Manager Gcomm.com Video on Demand
VOF VZ Programmer Object Folder
VOICE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOID Halflife Map Voids File
VOK VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer) Flashcard Deck (Paul Raedle)
VOK VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer) Dictionary File
VOK PocketVoc Vocabulary File (hfrmobile)
VOL FreeOTFE Volume File (Sarah Dean)
VOL Tribes 2 Game File (Sierra)
VOL Giants: Citizen Kabuto Archive (Planet Moon Studios)
VOL Earth Siege 2 Archive
VOL Tribes Extreme Archive
VOL Tribes Archive
VOL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOL4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOL6 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOL8 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOR StarOffice Template (Sun)
VOR OpenOffice.org Template (OpenOffice.org)
VORT Very Ordinary Rendering Toolkit Bitmap
VOS Virtual Orchestra Studio Song Database (HanseulSoft Inc)
VOT Recorded Video
VOX SuperVoice Voice File (ITMS Ltd)
VOX VoxWare MetaVoice Encoded Audio (Voxware, Inc.)
VOX Talking Technology Inc. File
VOX Natural MicroSystmes Voice File
VOX Dialogic ADPCM
VOX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VOYAGEFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VP xfit Viewpoint File
VP Ventura Publisher File
VP Conflict: Freespace Archive
VP 3D Studio Video Posting (Autodesk, Inc.)
VP Visual Passage Planner Vessel Profile File (Digital Wave)
VP Homeworld (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
VP VOCPACK Lossless Compressed Audio
VP2 Videophile II Video Multimedia Library
VP3 VP3 Encoded Video File (On2 Technologies, Inc.)
VP3 VP3 Sewing Machine File
VP4 VP4 Encoded Video File (On2 Technologies, Inc.)
VP5 VP5 Encoded Video File (On2 Technologies, Inc.)
VP6 VP6 Encoded Video File (On2 Technologies, Inc.)
VPA Excite Chat Gestures File
VPB Quantel VPB Graphic
VPC PhotoDVD Compilation File (VSO-Software)
VPC ViziGen Project Configuration File (ViziGen Ltd)
VPD Virpet Performance Descriptor
VPD PhotoDVD Project File (VSO-Software)
VPD VitaGraph File
VPDB VIP Organizer Information Database (VIP Quality Software, Ltd.)
VPF Vector Product Format
VPG VPGraphics File
VPH Virtual Pascal OS/2 Help
VPI Virtual Pascal OS/2 Unit
VPJ Pixbend Studio Video Project File (Nexilogic)
VPJ VTune Performance Monitor Project File (Intel)
VPJ V IDE Project File (Object Central)
VPK EverQuest II Game Archive (Sony Online Entertainment)
VPK Steam NCF Archive (Valve Corporation)
VPK Verge Pack Files Created by PackEd (VERGE Co Ltd)
VPL TeX Virtual Property List File
VPL vanBasco Karaoke Player Playlist File
VPM Garmin Voice File (Garmin Ltd.)
VPM Vox Proxy Macro (Right Seat Software, Inc.)
VPM VPIM Voice Message
VPN WinGate VPN Configuration File (Qbik IP Management Limited)
VPP Virtual Pool Game
VPP Red Faction/Summoner Package File
VPP Visual Paradigm for UML Project (Visual Paradigm)
VPR Visual Prolog Resource
VPR VideoCraft Project Bitmap Animation
VPR Premiere Preset (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
VPRJ dpsVelocity Project File (Leitch Technology Corporation)
VPS Visual Pinball Script
VPT Visual Pinball Table (Randy Davis)
VPU Avast! Setup/Update Package (ALWIL Software a.s.)
VPW Visual SlickEdit Workspace
VPWORKSPACE Visual Paradigm for UML Default Folder for Projects (Visual Paradigm)
VPX Fh5 US English File
VQA XCC AV Player File
VQA Command & Conquer File (Westwood Studios)
VQE Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator File (Yamaha Corporation of America)
VQF Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization (TwinVQF) Music File
VQF Yamaha Sound-VQ File (Yamaha Corporation of America)
VQL Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator File (Yamaha Corporation of America)
VRB Dictionary File
VRB visionapp Remote Desktop Settings (visionapp AG)
VRD Visio Report Definition File (Microsoft Corporation)
VRD VRScape Virtual Reality Model Loader
VRD Digital Photo Professional’ Recipe File (Canon, Inc.)
VRE VREAMScript Extension
VRF Oracle 7 Configuration File
VRF Ventrilo Audio Recording (Flagship Industries, Inc.)
VRINTERFACE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
VRL VS Ver 1.0 Model Data File (MathEcology, LLC)
VRM Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRM Visual REXX Language Source Code File (Watcom)
VRM Quattro Pro Overlay File (Corel)
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRO DVD Recorder File
VRO StatCrew Roster File (Stat Crew Software)
VRP Watcom Project File
VRS WordPerfect Graphics Driver (Corel Corporation)
VRT GDAL – Geospatial Data Abstraction Library Virtual Format
VRW VREAMScript Command Language ActiveX 3D
VRX Visual ReportX Report Data File (Vagner Pagotti)
VS Vivid Include File
VS2 Roland-Bass Transfer File
VSA Persony VShow Information (Persony, Inc.)
VSA Altiris� Software Virtualization Solution (SVS) Virtual Solution Archive (Symantec Corporation)
VSB VSampler Soundbank (MAZ Sound Tools GmbH)
VSC VirusScan Configuration (McAffee)
VSD Visio Drawing (Microsoft Corporation)
VSDIR Visual Studio IDE NewFileItems File (Microsoft Corporation)
VSDISCO Visual Studio .NET Dynamic Discovery File (Microsoft Corporation)
VSF VComm Signal File Record File (SimPhonics, Inc.)
VSF Voltage SecureFile Encrypted File (Voltage Security, Inc.)
VSH VirusShield Configuration File (McAfee)
VSI ratDVD Internal File (RatDVD – Canada)
VSK Microsoft Development Common IDE File
VSK Vicon iQ Skeleton Template (Vicon Motion Systems Ltd.)
VSL COMPRESS DOS Version Pressure Vessel Data File (Codeware Inc.)
VSL Visio Library (Microsoft Corporation)
VSL GetRight Download List File (Headlight Software, Inc.)
VSM VisSim Simulation Model
VSMACROS Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VSMPROJ Visual Studio .NET Unicode-based Macro Project (Microsoft Corporation)
VSO NVIDIA Compiled Vertex Shader (NVIDIA Corporation)
VSP Virtusales ASP Compiler Project File
VSP VideoStudio Project File (Corel Corporation)
VSP SPX Sprite
VSP ClosetMaid Visual Storage Planner Design (Computer Human Interaction, LLC)
VSR Cpcam Backup Video Surveillance File (Szatellit Elektronika KFT)
VSR Access Branded Report Format (Microsoft Corporation)
VSR Sony VSR-2000 Multi Access Video and Audio Server File (Sony Electronics Inc.)
VSS Visio Stencil (Microsoft Corporation)
VSS Shapeware Visio Smartshapes File
VST Truevision Vista Graphic
VST Targa Bitmap
VST Visio Template (Microsoft Corporation)
VSV Virtual PC Virtual Machine Saved-State (Microsoft Corporation)
VSW Visio Workspace File (Microsoft Corporation)
VSX XML for Visio Stencil File (Microsoft Corporation)
VSYS VirtuaSys (VirtuaSys :: Sistemas Virtuais)
VSZ Msdev Visual Interdev98 Templates Web Projects file
VT Linux VT100 File
VTBL PIPE-FLO Professional Valve Data Table (Engineered Software, Inc.)
VTC ReliaSoft ALTA 6 & Weibull++ 6 & BlockSim
VTD Custom Virtual Device Driver
VTF Steam Source SDK Compiled Texture File (Valve Corporation)
VTFX 3D Visualization 3D Visualization (ceetron)
VTI ParaView VTK Image Data (Kitware, Inc.)
VTK ParaView Legacy VTK File (Kitware, Inc.)
VTK VTK Sample File
VTL Vocabulary Trainer (Martin Brunner)
VTM Cold Fusion Studio Query
VTP ParaView VTK Polygonal Data (Kitware, Inc.)
VTP VisionTools Pro-e Touch Panel Source File (Crestron)
VTR ParaView VTK Rectilinear Grid (Kitware, Inc.)
VTS VTune Performance Monitor Project File (Intel)
VTS ParaView VTK Structured Grid (Kitware, Inc.)
VTU Virtue3D Optimizer Compressed 3D Graphic (Virtue3D)
VTU ParaView VTK Unstructured Data (Kitware, Inc.)
VTX Steam Source SDK Compiled Model File (Valve Corporation)
VTX Vertex 2D CAD Drawing (Vertex Systems Oy)
VTX XML for Visio Template File (Microsoft Corporation)
VU Playstation 2 VU Development Source Code (Sony Corporation of America)
VU xfit Vector or Line File
VUD Virtual PC Virtual Machine Undo File (Microsoft Corporation)
VUE Schedule+ Configuration (Microsoft Corporation)
VUE 3D Studio Animation (Autodesk, Inc.)
VUE Vue Scene File (e-on software, inc.)
VUI Visual Navigation Suite Export/Import Settings (Jeppesen Marine, Inc.)
VUZE Vuze File (Vuze Project Team)
VVA VV&A Documentation Tool Verification, Validation and Accreditation Information (U.S. Navy SPAWAR)
VVA Virtual Interactive Versatile Album (VIVA) Template (Versatile Albums (UK) Ltd)
VVC Infinity Game Engine Visual Spell Casting Effects (BioWare Corp.)
VVD Minolta Scanner 3D Element File (Minolta)
VVF ViVerify Fingerprint
VVN Vivien Document (Cast Group of Companies Inc.)
VVP Visual Voice Project File
VVR ViVerify Repair
VVS Audio File
VVT VersaPro Variable View Table
VVT Vivien Template (Cast Group of Companies Inc.)
VW Lightscape View
VW Volkswriter Text File
VWD Cubig Digital Recorder Sound File (Cubig Group)
VWF CADvance Drawing File
VWL MGI VideoWave Video Wave Library (Sonic Solutions)
VWP Voxware MetaVoice Plug-in (Voxware, Inc.)
VWR PC Tools File Viewer
VWR Metatec Corp. Multimedia Viewer
VWT MGI VideoWave Video Wave Thumbnail (Sonic Solutions)
VX V IDE Automatically Generated MakeFile (Object Central)
VX V++ Private VPascal Module Code File (Digital Optics Ltd)
VX EARS Component File
VXD Virtual Device Driver
VXI VimX Updater Data File (VimX Technologies Inc.)
VXL Tiberian Sun Voxel Animation (TiberiumSun.com)
VXM VS Ver 1.0 Session Model Parameters (MathEcology, LLC)
VXML VoiceXML Source File (The VoiceXML Forum)
VXP VisiTrax Playlist File (Synapsa Productions)
VXP VTune Performance Monitor Pack and Go File (Intel)
VXS Voice Xpress User Profile
VXX IOsubsys Driver File
VY4 Samsung Native Proprietary Voice Codec (Samsung)
VYD VyperHelp
VYK MISYS File (GEPRO spol. s r.o.)
VZ VZ200/300 Image File (type F1)
VZ VZ200/300 Image File (type F0)
How to Use Instant Project Templates
gilliandarbySave time and energy by re-creating popular video styles in minutes with new Instant Project Templates. Simply select a template, drag and drop your video, and you’re ready for export! Reproduce popular viral clips or easily edit social media posts with new templates and add theme intros, turn portrait video into landscape, replicate marketing promo templates, and so much more. Unlock your creativity – combine ready-to-use templates and effects with your unique customizations to achieve incredible results!
Instant Project templates let you fast-track the movie creation process by providing you with pre-assembled movie projects. Simply exchange the placeholder clips and photos with your own media and you’re done. They are also a great way to learn about the components of a movie project.
You can use one template for the entire movie, or you can add more than one template. For example, you can use different templates for the start, middle, and end of your movie. You can even create and save custom templates. For example, if you are creating a series of videos, you can create a template so that all the videos have a consistent style.
To open an Instant Project template
In the Edit workspace, click the Template button in the Library panel.
Vpt Corel Videostudio Templates
In the category list, click any Instant Project category.
To preview a template, click the template thumbnail then click the Play button in the Player panel.
Right-click the template thumbnail and choose the point of insertion in the Timeline between Add at the beginning and Add at the end. The template is added to the Timeline. You can also add a template to your project by dragging the thumbnail to the Timeline.

To replace clips, photos, and music in an Instant Project template
Do one of the following:
- On the Timeline toolbar, enable the Replace Mode button (the button changes to blue when active) and drag a clip, photo, or music track from the Library to the appropriate placeholder clip, photo, or music track on the Timeline. You can turn off Replace Mode when you are finished to return to the previous Timeline mode.
- Drag a clip, photo, or music track from the Library to the appropriate placeholder clip, photo, or music track on the Timeline, and press CTRL before you release the mouse button.
When you open a template in the Timeline, any clips that have been marked as placeholders display a blue check mark in the upper right corner.
To create an Instant Project template

- Open the video project that you want to save as a template.
- In the Timeline, right-click and choose Mark Replaceable Clips from the context menu. An orange outline appears around the project in the Timeline.
- Click all the clips that you want to mark as replaceable. An orange outline and a check mark appears on the selected clips.
- In the upper right corner of the Timeline, click Done.
- Click File > Export as template > Instant Project Template.
- Click Yes when prompted to save your project.
- Enter a File name, Subject and Description.
- Browse for the folder where you want to save your template and click Save.
- In the Export project as template dialog box, move the slider to display the thumbnail that you want to use for the template.
- Specify the path and folder name. Choose the category from the drop-list where you want to keep your template. Template details will also be displayed.
- Click OK.
To import project templates
- In the Edit workspace, click the Template button in the Library panel.
- Click the Import a project template button and browse for the .vpt file that you want to import.
- Click Open.
Download a FREE 30-day trial and check out the streamlined tools plus new AR Stickers, Instant Project Templates and creative extras that make it fun and easy to create impressive movies.
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VideoStudio Pro 2021 makes it fun and easy to create impressive videos, with hundreds of drag and drop filters and effects plus new templates and AR stickers.
Bon Voyage Slideshow
Share your traveling adventures with family and friends with the Bon Voyage slideshow template for VideoStudio.
VideoStudio Ultimate 2021
Turn your best moments into unique movies with the streamlined tools, premium effects and new creative extras in VideoStudio Ultimate 2021.
Vibrant Badges Titles
These 5 lively and colorful animated badges are sure to add some eye-catching impact to your video projects.