Following on from Pokémon Contests first introduced within Ruby & Sapphire, the logical evolution of contests has come and in Unova is labelled as a Pokémon Musical. In a city in Unova, you'll find a Music Hall where Pokémon Musicals take place. The Musicals, unlike Contests, do not feature any of the battling aspects shown within Pokémon Contests. Instead, they just enhance the origina appeals process of the Super Contests and take it to a new level. | ||||||||||||||||
Dress for Success The first part of the Pokémon Musicals involve you dressing up your Pokémon. This is done through obtaining items similar to accessories and putting them in the Goods Case item. Then, when you start your Pokémon Musical campaign, you'll be able to select from these different costumes and props in order to kit out your Pokémon to match the premise and feel of the song. There are four different categories to the Pokémon Musicals, each with a different image for you to dress your Pokémon up in.
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Performance After you are done dressing your Pokémon for the performance, it's time to get out there and play the music. If you manage to please the audience, they'll also throw items for you to keep. There are several preset bits of music within the game. However, in addition to that, you can download new pieces of music from the Pokémon Global Link. While performing, if you have attached accessories to your Pokémon's hands, you'll be able to appeal using these items in order to try and gain the audience's interest. You can only do this once per item so it's best to use this strategically. Unfortunately, you have limited control of the Musical outside of this so you need to make sure that you have dressed correctly and are using the best items. |
- Pokemon Black And White Ost Extended
- Pokemon Black And White Soundtrack Download Free
- Pokemon Black And White Ost Playlist
Pokemon Black And White Ost Extended
Accumula Town (Pokemon Black + White) Nic Co. 2 parts. 3 pages. 01:09. Mar 20, 2020. 173 views. 3 favorites. Piano, Drum Group. Pokemon Black 2 & White 2. Release date: Jun 23rd, 2012. Publisher: Nintendo. Download all files as MP3 (998 MB) Download original music files (58 MB).
Pokemon Black And White Soundtrack Download Free

The whole key to the Pokémon Musicals is the dressing up. Each item can only work for one specific theme of Musical, which you have the ability to select. To gain more accessories, you can obtain them from a man in Opelucid City who will give you five different items each day. You'll also receive some after participating in a musical and you'll also get one on your birthday. These items can only be attached to certain areas of the Pokémon in the appeal, with some allowing to be placed in two. Below is a list of all the accessories
Pokemon Black And White Ost Playlist
Picture | Name | Musical Style | Pokémon Attachment |
Scarlet Hat あかいぼうし | Unique | Head | |
Wig アフロ | Cool | Head | |
Witchy Hat ウィッチハット | Unique | Head | |
Big Barrette おおきなかみどめ | Cute | Head | |
Pirate Hat かいぞくぼうし | Cool | Head | |
Cowboy Hat カウボーイハット | Cool | Head + Arm | |
Headband カチューシャ | Cute | Head | |
Laurel Wreath くさかんむり | Elegant | Head | |
Crown クラウン | Elegant | Head | |
Chef's Hat コックぼうし | Cool | Head | |
Lace Cap シルクハット | Elegant | Head + Arm | |
Gentleman's Hat しんしのぼうし | Elegant | Head + Arm | |
Fedora ちいさなぼうし | Cute | Head | |
Horn Helmet つのかぶと | Cool | Head | |
Tiara ティアラ | Elegant | Head | |
Bib | Unique | Head | |
Professor Hat はかせのぼうし | Unique | Head | |
Headband ヘッドドレス | Elegant | Head | |
Helmet ヘルメット | Unique | Head | |
Beret ベレーぼうし | Unique | Head | |
Straw Hat むぎわらぼうし | Unique | Head | |
Jester's Cap | Unique | Head | |
Decorative Ribbon リボンのかざり | Cute | Head | |
Red Nose あかはな | Unique | Face | |
Germ Mask かぜマスク | Unique | Face | |
Googly Specs ぐるぐるメガネ | Unique | Face | |
Gorgeous Specs ゴージャスメガネ | Elegant | Face + Head | |
Square Glasses しかくいメガネ | Elegant | Face + Head | |
White Domino Mask しろいかめん | Cool | Face | |
Smiley-Face Mask にこにこおめん | Unique | Face + Arm | |
Fluffy Beard ふさふさのひげ | Elegant | Face | |
Monocle モノクル | Elegant | Face | |
Blue Flower あおいはな | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Red Flower あかいはな | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Striped Barrette しましまかみどめ | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Small Barrette ちいさなかみどめ | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Gorgeous Flower はでなはな | Elegant | Ears + Body | |
Pink Barrette ピンクのかみどめ | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Blue Barrette ブルーのかみどめ | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Red Barrette まっかなかみどめ | Cute | Ears + Body | |
Green Barrette みどりのかみどめ | Unique | Ears + Arm | |
Snow Crystal ゆきのけっしょう | Elegant | Ears + Body | |
Red Parasol あかいパラソル | Cute | Arm | |
Whisk あわだてき | Cute | Arm | |
Lonely Flower いちりんのはな | Elegant | Arm | |
Paint Brush えふで | Unique | Arm | |
Electric Guitar エレキギター | Cool | Arm | |
Big Bag おおきなふくろ | Unique | Arm | |
Wind Up Key | Cute | Arm | |
Toy Fishing Rod おもちゃつりざお | Cool | Arm | |
Toy Cutlass おもちゃのカタナ | Cool | Arm | |
Toy Sword おもちゃのつるぎ | Cool | Arm | |
Rigid Shield かたいたて | Cool | Arm + Body | |
Mallet かなづち | Unique | Arm | |
Colorful Parasol カラフルパラソル | Cute | Arm | |
Candy キャンディ | Cute | Arm + Ear | |
White Pompom しろいぼんぼん | Cute | Arm + Body | |
Shuriken しゅりけん | Cool | Arm + Ear | |
Cane ステッキ | Elegant | Arm | |
Standing Mike スタンドマイク | Cool | Arm | |
Wrench スパナ | Unique | Arm | |
Tambourine タンバリン | Cute | Arm | |
Pocket Watch ちいさなとけい | Elegant | Arm + Body | |
Lantern てもちランプ | Cool | Arm | |
Purse トートバッグ | Cute | Arm | |
Rose バラのはな | Elegant | Arm + Head | |
Microphone ハンドマイク | Cool | Arm | |
Ladel | Cool | Arm | |
Thick Book ぶあついほん | Unique | Arm | |
Bouquet ブーケ | Elegant | Arm | |
Frying Pan フライパン | Cool | Arm | |
Pennant フラッグ | Unique | Arm + Head | |
Gift Box プレゼントばこ | Cute | Arm + Head | |
Football ボール | Cool | Arm + Head | |
Trident ほそいやり | Cool | Arm | |
Fake Bone ほねのレプリカ | Unique | Arm | |
Magic Wand まほうのつえ | Unique | Arm | |
Maraca マラカス | Unique | Arm | |
Round Mushroom まんまるきのこ | Unique | Arm + Head | |
Racket ラケット | Cool | Arm | |
Trumpet ラッパ | Elegant | Arm | |
Toy Cake | Unique | Arm | |
Crimson Scarf あかいスカーフ | Cute | Body + Waist | |
Scarlet Cape あかいマント | Cool | Body | |
Black Wings くろいつばさ | Cool | Body + Head | |
Black Tie くろいネクタイ | Elegant | Body | |
Black Cape くろいマント | Elegant | Body | |
White Wings しろいつばさ | Cute | Body + Head | |
White Cape しろいマント | Elegant | Body | |
Bowtie ちょうネクタイ | Elegant | Body + Ear | |
DressyTie ドレスタイ | Elegant | Body + Ear | |
Striped Tie ナナメネクタイ | Cool | Body | |
Necklace ネックレス | Elegant | Body | |
Frilly Apron まえかけ | Cute | Body + Waist | |
Round Button まるいボタン | Cute | Body + Waist | |
Tie よこじまネクタイ | Cool | Body | |
Fake Belly Button おへそボタン | Unique | Waist | |
Umber Belt ちゃいろバックル | Cool | Waist | |
Frilly Apron ドレスエプロン | Elegant | Waist + Body | |
Hula Skirt はっぱのスカート | Unique | Waist + Body | |
Winner's Belt ゆうしょうベルト | Cool | Waist |